it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

@темы: Мужчины


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

@темы: HP


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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
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Здраствуй, творческая натура. Напишешь сценарий для моего фильма? Уверена, у тебя получится! Ну, у кого еще найдется столько фантазии? Кто еще сможет придумать такой оригинальный замысловатый сюжетец? Кто раскидает всех актеров по полочкам, если не ты?image
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@темы: Бред, Флэшмоб


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

Решила сменить Дарью на ЭТО. Как вам?

@темы: Диз, Daria

it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

@темы: Avatars, Oliver Wood


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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
У тебя красивое имя, гордись им и носи его с честью: Анна
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@темы: Флэшмоб


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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
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it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

you got oliver! hott accent!

house: gryfindor

what people think of you:


harry: she's gorgeous. i'd date her but she's too much like a sister. amazing for a girl beater.

ron: friends with fred and george so i guess she's cool. i kinda like her. she's cute.

hermione: needs to focus on her studies more than pranks and quidditch! She's such a jock.

neville: i've heard she's top of the class in herbology. she must be awesome. i'm kinda scared of her tho. She's really muscular.

ginny: always was nice to me. oliver and her are going to get married. she's really modest and can be shy. is only really outgoing during quidditch and with fred and george. все равно я тебя ненавижу, сцучка

george: best girl friend ever! wouldnt date her tho. she's too quiet and too much like a sister. fred and I introduced her to oliver!

fred: we had a little summer romance once. but we moved on. besides, her and oliver are an amazing couple!

oliver: She's amazing. I dont care what she looks like, i just know i love her and would do anything for her. she's an AMAZING quidditch player. i only put her on the team because i'm in love with her tho... shhhh! but she turned out to be freakishly talented anyway.

lee jordan: She's my best girl friend! I'd date her.

Patil Twins: She was head girl. and she was waaaay nicer than the head boy.

colin creevy: CAN I TAKE HER PICTURE?!

Percy: She was head girl with me. She let people off to easy. But she's good for Oliver.


draco: gryfindor quidditch girl beater... amazing. i hate her tho. she's annoying.

crabbe/ goyle: someone poisened their cupcakes so they couldnt comment... oh rite, that was you.

pansy: nice. too nice. i'm glad drakie poo doesnt like her.

Millicent Bullstrode: Um, she's like so totally freakishly... whatever.

Flint: Gryfindor quidditch. DIE!

Blaise: Same as Flint. But she's reeeally good at quidditch.


cedric: i secretly loved her. we've been friends since we were kids.

Justin: She should be in hufflepuff.

Susan Bones: I used to think she was a nice, quiet, sweet girl. But I knew I was wrong when fred, george, and her dropped a water ballon on my head in the hallway. She has a hilarious laugh though.


cho: cedric liked her. i hate her. я тоже хотела чтоб ты сдохла, тварюга

luna: kindof ugly actually... i'm sure shes lovely on the inside tho. ooo! look! a crumple horned snornack!

Penelope Clearwater: One of my very good friends!


Dumbledore: Nice girl

McGonagall: *sigh* same as susan bones.

Flitwick: She's tall...

Sprout: TOP IN MY CLASS! she SHOULD be in hufflepuff. she got an O in her OWL.

Snape: I really dont care.

Moody: She should consider joining the Order

Filch: I HATE HER! i hate everyone, but ESPECIALLY HER! she plays all sorts of pranks with the weasel twins. And she always gets out of punishment because everyone thinks she's so innocent!

Quirrel: She made fun of me once.

Lockhart: A witch?!

Lupin: I like her. She did very well when I taught her.

Umbridge: Where? DETENTION! She's a trouble maker.

Slughorn: She graduated before I got to teach her.

Trelawney: Nice girl. Did terribly in my class tho.

other people:

Lucious Malfoy: She's a nasty blood traitor!

Krum: She's very nice. She and I had a conversation on quidditch once. I've seen her play and she is very good. She never chased me around for a date to the Yule ball like all the other girls. She's not as pretty as Hermione tho.

Narcissa Malfoy: BLOOD TRAITOR!

Fleur: Plain. I'd like to give her a make over.

Bellatrix: I'll kill her!

Charlie: Really good match for Wood!

McNair: She stood up for Buckbeak

Bill: Quite an amazing quiddith player!



120 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 456 times.
25% of people had this result.

@настроение: если никто не откоментит я повешусь

@темы: Oliver Wood, Флэшмоб

it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
В глазах у парня вы- веселая и находчивая
Часто улыбаетесь и любите рассказывать смешные истории и анекдоты,вы можете быть душой компании.Парням очень нравятся девушки с чувством юмора,ведь с ними легче всего познакомиться.Порой бываете легкомысленны.Но если вы без умолку шутите и болтаете,то парень точно не будет от вас в восторге.В каждой женщине должна быть загадка,ведь парни любят все загадочное... иногда лучше промолчать,ведь можно послушать,что говорят другиеimage
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Там точно кто-то что-то перепутал

@темы: Флэшмоб

it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

@темы: Бред, Флэшмоб

it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
Result #2
Albus Dumbledore is glad you are an Order member but thinks youre too anxious.
Lord Voldemort sees you as a major threat and wants to have you killed as soon as possible.

Minerva McGonagall thinks you misbehave way too much.
Severus Snape hates you.
Rubeus Hagrid thinks youre a good person.
Horace Slughorn thinks you were a brilliant student with great potential.

Sirius Black loves you with all his heart and would kill for you.
Remus Lupin thinks youre a great friend.
Bill Weasley is secretly madly in love with you.

Lucius Malfoy acts like he hates you but actually has sick fantasies about you.
Bellatrix Lestrange wants to personally torture and then kill you.
Peter Pettigrew thinks youre scary.

@темы: Бред


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
Возможно вы… Прекрасная Елена
Ваша легендарная красота дурманила мужчинам головы. Такие как вы самой судьбой предназначены для скандалов и приключений. По своей ли воле вы бежали с Парисом, бросив вами же избранного супруга, или олимпийские боги затуманили ваш разум, теперь уже неважно. Десять лет величайшие герои бились под Троей, но вы были не властны над судьбой – вам не дали вернуться к мужу и прекратить войну. Мало кто знает, что вы сдали могучую Трою питающему слабость к вам хитроумному Одиссею, за что получили от него обещание помощи и защиты. После падения Трои, Менелай не только не наказал вас, неверную супругу, ставшую причиной войны, но принял назад в свой дом, где вы и прожили долгую жизнь, как царица Спарты. Ходят легенды, что на этом ваша история не закончилась. Сказания говорят о появлении прекрасной полубогини в далеких царствах, о новых подвигах и трагедиях. Вы ли это были? Это еще одна ваша тайна.
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И вот кто в это поверит? Ну, разве я такая?)))

@темы: Флэшмоб


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
Посмотрела ахрененный фильм! Abandon называется с Кэти Хомс (Бэээ!!!), Бенжамином Братом (он еще в мисс конгениальность играл) и Чарлик Ханеем!!!!

1) Кэти Хомс (Katie Holmes) -- Кэти Брук (Katie Burke)
Знаете я не люблю ее. Она мне откровенно не нравится. Но знаете, посмотрев этот фильм я поняла - она очень хорошая актриса. И еще она умеет писать! Я сама видела! Хотя может быть это была дублерша))) ггг

2) Бенжамин Брат (Benjamin Bratt) -- Вэйд Хендлер (Wade Handler)
Про, если честно, ничего сказать не могу.

3) Эх, теперь моя любимка
Чарли Ханнем (Charlie Hunnam) -- Эмбри Ларкин (Embry Larkin) откровенно тупое имя и кто его придумал?!
Он играл психа, насильника.. Но какого психа!? Он был такой секси просто суперский.

Теперь мое собственное впечатление.

@темы: Charlie Hunnam, Кино


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money

Народ, ни у кого нет правил игры в покер?! В электроном виде и чтобы было все понятно... Очень нужно(((


it's always better on holiday so much better on holiday that's why we only work when we need the money
По просьбам трудящихся обновляю))) elimia, огромное спасибо за ссылочку, очень сильно помогла.

@темы: Avatars, Oliver Wood